Where is it? 128 Pierrepont St, Brooklyn
How do I get there? 2/3/4/5 Train to Borough Hall; A/C/F Train to Jay St
When can I go? Wednesday - Saturday, 12-5pm
How much do I have to shell out to get in? $6 for Adults; $4 for Students and Seniors; Free for Kids
The run-down: The Brooklyn Historical Society is located within a building built in 1881 which is recognized as a National Historic Landmark and is dedicated to, well, the history of Brooklyn.As per the BHS, they have "the most comprehensive collection of Brooklyn-related materials in existence".
What was cool about the Museum: This is gonna sound weird (because it is), but I really loved the way the museum smelled. (Told you it was weird) You'll understand when you visit. I also loved the Inventing Brooklyn exhibit, created by HIGH SCHOOL students (participating in the Society's Ex Lab program), chronicling hundreds of years of Brooklyn history.
What was cool about the Museum: This is gonna sound weird (because it is), but I really loved the way the museum smelled. (Told you it was weird) You'll understand when you visit. I also loved the Inventing Brooklyn exhibit, created by HIGH SCHOOL students (participating in the Society's Ex Lab program), chronicling hundreds of years of Brooklyn history.
What I could have done without: It was actually hard to find anything I didn't like about the BHS. Admission was reasonable, the exhibits were informative and interesting, the staff was friendly, and the space was welcoming.
Need more info? Here's their website: http://www.brooklynhistory.org